Airbnb House Rules Template: 20 Examples of Essential House Rules for Short-Term Rentals in 2023 and beyond.

Airbnb House Rules Template_ 20 Examples of Essential House Rules for Short-Term Rentals in 2023 and beyond

Hey there, fellow Airbnb hosts! Struggling to find that sweet spot between a warm welcome and keeping your place in check? It’s like walking a high wire, but believe me, solid Airbnb house rules are your safety net. They’re the secret to getting guests who care for your home as if it’s their own and making those awkward misunderstandings a thing of the past.

I’ve had my fair share of rental adventures, from the damage-dodgers to the party-throwers, and I’ve learned what works. Now, I’m here to share a cheat sheet of 20 essential Airbnb house rules that’ll fit right into the 2023 rental scene. These aren’t just rules; they’re the ingredients for a top-notch guest experience and a protected pad.

So, let’s raise our coffee mugs and get down to business, transforming potential headaches into high fives and glowing reviews. Ready to make your Airbnb hustle smarter, not harder? Let’s do this!

So, What Exactly are Airbnb House Rules?

Airbnb House Rules Template_ 20 Examples of Essential House Rules for Short-Term Rentals in 2023 and beyond

Airbnb house rules are like the playbook for a great stay at your place. They lay out what you expect from guests, so everyone’s on the same page. Clear rules mean fewer headaches for you, less chance of your place getting trashed, and a smoother ride with the neighbors.

Setting these rules is about nipping problems in the bud. They’re there to help you hold guests accountable if they step out of line, but they also give future guests a heads-up on how to be awesome tenants. It’s all about making sure they know the drill before they even step through the door.

Your rules get a spot right on your listing page, so guests can check them out before they hit the ‘book’ button. This way, there are no surprises for them—and hopefully, no surprises for you either.

The 5 Steps to Setting Your Short-Term Rental Property’s House Rules

Airbnb House Rules Template_ 20 Examples of Essential House Rules for Short-Term Rentals in 2023 and beyond

Setting house rules for your short-term rental isn’t rocket science, but it’s not exactly a walk in the park either. It’s about finding that sweet spot between too lax and too strict. Think of it as the Goldilocks Zone of rule-setting. Here’s my unique, slightly cheeky process for laying down the law (gently, of course) in your Airbnb.

1. The Headliner Airbnb House Rules

Kick things off with the non-negotiables. These are your headline rules, and they deserve top billing because they’re crucial for the safety and maintenance of your property. Keep these rules front and center: No smoking, respect the neighbors, and handle with care. Make them the first thing your guests see so there’s no chance they’ll miss them.

2. Keep Your Airbnb House Rules Simple

Your Airbnb house rules should pass the simplicity test. Use plain language that’s straight to the point. Complex clauses? Save them for legal documents. Here, you want to write house rules so that someone can skim and still understand completely—think bullet points, not paragraphs.

3. Make Sure Your Rules Are Clear for All

Consider that your guests might be from any corner of the globe. Write rules that are easily translatable and steer clear of slang or colloquialisms that could get lost in translation. Simple sentences and common words work best to ensure everyone’s on the same page.

4. Keep Your Airbnb House Rules Up to Date

Your Airbnb house rules aren’t set in stone. They should evolve as your hosting experiences grow. Whether it’s a tweak to reflect new Airbnb policies or an addition based on guest feedback, regularly updating your rules keeps them relevant and effective.

Just like you’d update your decor to keep it fresh, your house rules need a refresh now and then to ensure they address the latest trends and challenges in short-term renting.

5. Have Them in Various Places

Don’t just tuck your rules away in one corner of your Airbnb listing. Spread them out where guests can easily spot them—like your listing, welcome emails, in your digital guidebook, printed out on the coffee table, or on the wall in the vacation rental.

The more places your rules are seen, the more likely guests will read and remember them. It’s like putting up signposts; you want to guide your guests right, so they don’t get lost. This is necessary to remind guests now and then.

How are These House Rules added To Your Airbnb Listing?

Airbnb House Rules Template_ 20 Examples of Essential House Rules for Short-Term Rentals in 2023 and beyond

Your Airbnb house rules can be added when you create the listing. Adding house rules or amending house rules on Airbnb afterward can be done by following these simple steps:

  • Log on to the Airbnb website
  • Click on the “Menu” dropdown which is located at the top right
  • Click on “Listings” in the dropdown
  • Click on the name of the listing you want to edit
  • Click on “Policy and rules”
  • Scroll down to house rules, where you will find a few of the most common rules. You can choose whether you do or do not allow certain things, such as pets, smoking, and events.
  • Further down you will find “Additional rules” where you can type and edit your own house rules for the Airbnb guest.

20 House Rules For Your Short Term Rental Property Guests

Where to Start: Airbnb House Rules Template

Please feel free to copy and paste the template below into a doc editor of your choice, amend it, and you’re ready to make sure you and your guests are on the same page. Print this free template out for the property, add it to your welcome messages or just add it to your digital guidebook.

Greetings and welcome to your home away from home! To ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay, we’ve put together a few guidelines. These rules are in place to safeguard our home, maintain a friendly relationship with our neighbors, and guarantee a comfortable experience for all. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to us at [insert contact information here].

Before you get settled, we kindly ask that you familiarize yourself with the following house rules:

Rule #1: [Insert house rule here]

Rule #2: [Insert house rule here]

Rule #3: [Insert house rule here]

Rule #4: [Insert house rule here]

Rule #5: [Insert house rule here]

Rule #X: [Insert house rule here] (Just Copy and Paste our rules in or add your own)

We trust these guidelines will enhance your visit and help you make the most of your time at our property. We’re thrilled you chose our space for your travels and wish you an exceptional stay!

General Vacation Rental House Rules Examples

Smoking Policy:

Airbnb House Rules Template_ 20 Examples of Essential House Rules for Short-Term Rentals in 2023 and beyond

1) Please refrain from smoking inside of the home. You are welcome to smoke outside. Please dispose of cigarette butts responsibly in the bin or the ashtrays provided.

Entering your rental only to be hit by the lingering scent of smoke can be a real letdown.

If bookings are back-to-back, you might not have the chance to air out the place properly for the next guests’ arrival.

Also, careless smoking habits could lead to burn marks on furniture and other unwanted damages.

Be upfront in your house rules about your no-smoking policy. If you have an outdoor area for smoking, guide your guests to dispose of their cigarette remnants properly.

Pet Restrictions:

2) Unfortunately, we do not allow pets on the premises.

Deciding on a pet policy requires a bit of thought. Sure, a no-pets rule will save you from late-night barking, the “gift” of fur on every surface, and the occasional gnawed corner.

However, pet-friendly properties are a rarity and can be a draw for travelers who can’t bear to leave their furry friends behind. Listing your place on pet-specific travel sites can also tap into a niche market of pet-accommodating accommodations.

So, consider the pros and cons carefully when deciding whether or not to roll out the welcome mat for pets.

Parties or Events:

3) Sadly the property is not suitable for hosting parties or events.

We all love a good celebration, but our rental spaces just aren’t cut out for parties. It’s critical for hosts to keep their properties celebration-free for several reasons.

For starters, parties often mean noise—lots of it. Whether it’s for a wedding pre-party or a milestone birthday, loud celebrations can quickly turn neighborly patience thin.

Then there’s the aftermath. A group in the festive spirit tends to leave behind a much larger mess than your average guests.

Lastly, the festivity frenzy might lead to other house rules being sidestepped, like indoor smoking rules, substance misuse, or accidental damage to the decor.

To keep the party hats away from your property, be sure to include a clear no-party clause in your house rules. For added security, consider a noise-monitoring device that alerts you to high decibel levels in real-time.

Noise Consideration:

4) We ask that guests observe designated quiet times to minimize disturbance. Quiet hours are 10pm-8am. Please respect the neighbors and keep noise to a minimum. Please refrain from speaking loudly when entering and exiting the property.

Should your rental be situated in an apartment complex or a community with noise regulations, it’s important to adhere to these local sound ordinances. As the property owner, you could be held accountable and face penalties if the rules are violated, even if it’s not you personally making the excessive noise. To sidestep potential fines, make sure to incorporate a noise-related rule in your house guidelines.

House Rules For Security Around Your Short Term Rental Property

Check-In and Check Out

5) Guests should please respect the check-in and check-out times.

6) Guests should please be considerate of neighbors and keep noise to a minimum when checking in and out.

7) Guests should please be vigilant when checking in and out so others do not enter the property with them.

It’s important to communicate the expectations for check-in and check-out times to your guests clearly. By doing so, you ensure the smooth operation of your rental property and respect for the schedules of cleaning crews or incoming guests. Highlighting adherence to these times in your house rules helps maintain a seamless transition from one guest to another.

Moreover, it’s courteous to ask guests to keep noise to a minimum during their arrivals and departures. This consideration is especially important in shared buildings or quiet neighborhoods where echoing hallways or thin walls can easily transmit sounds. Stating this in your rules helps preserve the tranquility of the community.

Lastly, guests should be attentive during check-in and check-out to prevent tailgating or the unintentional admission of strangers onto the premises. This vigilance is crucial for security reasons—it ensures that only registered guests access the property. Explicitly mentioning this in your house manual can significantly enhance the security of your rental space.


Airbnb House Rules Template_ 20 Examples of Essential House Rules for Short-Term Rentals in 2023 and beyond

8)The keys to the property should only be with registered guests and not borrowed by visitors or any other person.

9) Lost keys will be replaced at the guest’s expense

10) Lost keys should be reported to the host as soon as possible.

House Rules for the Safety of Guests, Neighbors, and the Property.

11) Guests should please follow the instructions when using grills and any appliances.

12) No open fires are allowed

13) No illegal substances are to be brought onto the property.

While it might seem evident, it’s crucial to clearly state in your house rules that bringing illegal substances onto the property is strictly forbidden.

Such activities not only pose legal risks but also jeopardize the safety and reputation of your rental. In the event of any unlawful activity, as the property owner, you could face serious legal repercussions, not to mention the potential for property damage and the impact on future bookings.

To safeguard against these risks, ensure your house manual explicitly prohibits the presence of illegal substances on the premises. This rule helps maintain a lawful and secure environment for all guests and protects both your property and your peace of mind.

Airbnb House Rules for Guests and Visitors

Unregistered guests:

14) We do not allow unregistered guests to stay the night on the property.
It might come as a surprise, but it’s often necessary to remind guests that inviting others over to the rental isn’t permitted.

Having unregistered guests can lead to complications—like if something gets damaged, it’s difficult to pinpoint responsibility. Moreover, certain locales obligate hosts to report the details of their lodgers to local authorities, which is impossible without their full information.

To prevent these kinds of problems, it’s wise to include a note in your house manual requesting that guests only welcome individuals who are officially listed on the booking.

Registered Guests:

15) Registered guests are welcome to stay for their booked time


16) We only allow x number of visitors.


17) We do not allow visitors, only the registered guests are allowed on the premises.

18) Visitors are not allowed to stay the night.


19) Guests should please ensure that all appliances are turned off after use, especially appliances with heating elements such as stoves, ovens, heaters, and so on.

20) Guests should please ensure that the Air Conditioner(s) is/are turned off when leaving the apartment.

For some more rules and tips have a look at this video by Airbnb Hosting and Short Term Rental Tips on Every Airbnb Host NEEDS These House Rules!


All the Airbnb house rules in one place:

1) Please refrain from smoking inside of the home. You are welcome to smoke outside. Please dispose of cigarette butts responsibly in the bin or the ashtrays provided.

2) Unfortunately, we do not allow pets on the premises.

3) Sadly the property is not suitable for hosting parties or events.

4) We ask that guests observe designated quiet times to minimize disturbance. Quiet hours are 10pm-8am. Please respect the neighbors and keep noise to a minimum. Please refrain from speaking loudly when entering and exiting the property.

5) Guests should please respect the check-in and check-out times.

6) Guests should please be considerate of neighbors and keep noise to a minimum when checking in and out.

7) Guests should please be vigilant when checking in and out so others do not enter the property with them.

8)The keys to the property should only be with registered guests and not borrowed by visitors or any other person.

9) Lost keys will be replaced at the guest’s expense

10) Lost keys should be reported to the host as soon as possible.

11) Guests should please follow the instructions when using grills and any appliances.

12) No open fires are allowed

13) No illegal substances are to be brought onto the property.

14) We do not allow unregistered guests to stay the night on the property.

15) Registered guests are welcome to stay for their booked time

16) We only allow x number of visitors.

17) We do not allow visitors, only the registered guests are allowed on the premises.

18) Visitors are not allowed to stay the night.

19) Guests should please ensure that all appliances are turned off after use, especially appliances with heating elements such as stoves, ovens, heaters, and so on.

20) Guests should please ensure that the Air Conditioner(s) is/are turned off when leaving the apartment.

What To Do When Guests Break Airbnb House Rules

Let’s face it, rules get bent and sometimes broken—it’s part of hosting. The trick is to handle these slip-ups with a cool head and a clear strategy. Before you react, take a beat to assess the situation, so things don’t escalate into drama-filled reviews.

Chat First, Act Later

The first step? A good old chat. Most guests are ready to make amends once they know the deal—like covering the cost for a lamp they accidentally knocked over. This way, you could dodge the paperwork bullet and keep everyone smiling.

Act Swiftly, Plan Wisely

When damages come up, tackle them head-on within the reservation window. This doesn’t mean fixing everything on the spot but setting up the solution so your guests aren’t left with a vacation hangover.

Stay Sharp and Professional

Always keep your cool. Staying professional isn’t just about avoiding negative feedback; it’s also about keeping the upper hand if things ever go legal. Remember, how you handle broken rules can make or break your host rep.


In summary, effective Airbnb house rules are essential for a successful and stress-free hosting experience. Key takeaways for your Airbnb short-term rental include setting straightforward rules, regularly updating them, making them visible, and communicating clearly with your guests. When issues arise, address them promptly and professionally.

Stick to these guidelines to safeguard your property and ensure a welcoming stay for your guests, paving the way for excellent reviews and a prosperous year ahead in the world of short-term rentals.

People also ask:

What house rules should I have for Airbnb?

You’re probably wondering about the must-have house rules to make your hosting experience as smooth as silk. Well, I’ve got you covered. The key is to think about what matters most in keeping your property safe and your guests happy. Start with the non-negotiables like ‘No Smoking’ and ‘No Parties’ to avoid any unexpected shindigs or smoky surprises. Then, consider adding rules about pets, check-in/check-out times, and quiet hours to respect your neighbors. You can also write additional rules to suite your listing. Think of these rules as your trusty sidekicks, maintaining harmony and ensuring everyone plays by the book.

How do I write house rules for Airbnb?

Crafting house rules for your Airbnb is like penning a personal invitation to guests, welcoming them into your space while setting the stage for mutual respect. First, grab a cozy seat and think about what’s non-negotiable for you. Is it a smoke-free environment? A no-pet policy? Or maybe ensuring that quiet hours are observed? These essentials form the foundation of your house rules.

Now, it’s time to get those thoughts down! Write them out on paper or on the doc editor of your choice. Log into your Airbnb account and follow my guide above on how to get to the house rules and start typing away. Keep it conversational—like you’re explaining the ropes to a friend staying over.

Remember to be clear but friendly, firm but kind. For instance, instead of a stern “No noise after 10 PM,” try “Help us keep good vibes with our neighbors by winding down by 10 PM.” Once you’ve listed your rules, double-check them to ensure they’re easily understandable and cover all bases. Hit save, and just like that, you’ve set the tone for a respectful and enjoyable guest experience. You can have a look at the guidelines listed above to help you write your house rules

How do I create a rule on Airbnb?

Creating a rule on Airbnb isn’t just a chore; it’s your chance to set the tone for a fantastic guest experience. First, log into your Airbnb account and head to the ‘Manage Listings’ section. Here, you’ll find the option to edit your house rules. Now, unleash your inner host guru. Start by outlining your key rules – think about what’s crucial for protecting your space and ensuring guest comfort. Be concise, clear, and don’t shy away from being specific.

Desire to make your listing stand out? Your rules aren’t just restrictions; they’re a reflection of your unique hosting style. Maybe you’re all about eco-friendly living or love hosting families – let your rules speak to that. The action step is simple: write down your rules, review them to ensure they’re guest-friendly, and update your listing. Voilà, you’re not just listing a space; you’re crafting an experience.

Does Airbnb enforce house rules?

Now, you might be pondering, “Does Airbnb actually have my back when it comes to house rules?” The answer is a bit nuanced. While Airbnb provides the platform for you to set and display your house rules, the enforcement primarily falls in your court. Think of Airbnb like a supportive friend – they give you the space to lay down your laws, but you’re the sheriff in town.

This is what Airbnb says about enforcing their house rules: “We are committed to enforcing these ground rules. Actions we take may include providing information to guests about the policy and issuing warnings. When repeated or severe violations of these ground rules are reported, guests may also be suspended or removed from our community.”

The desire here is peace of mind, and knowing how Airbnb operates can empower you to take the right actions. In case of a rule break, your first step is communication with the guest. If things escalate, Airbnb’s Resolution Center is there to help mediate. Remember, clear documentation and communication are key to resolving issues effectively. So, while Airbnb won’t barge in like a rule-enforcing superhero, they provide the tools and support to help you maintain order in your hosting world.

Also read our other articles:

The Ultimate Guide for New Airbnb Hosts: Maximizing Profits and Efficiency


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